Online Map Searches

Many of our customers are not aware that they can obtain the ownership documents for a plot of land even though they do not have the title number or a full postal address. This article explains how to obtain these documents using our Map Searches.

  • A house or building that you don't know the address of
  • Large areas of land
  • Building plots and infill sites
  • Fields
  • Woodlands and moorland
  • Lakes, streams and other waterways
  • Private roads
  • Lanes
  • Alleyways
  • Walkways
  • Waste sites
  • Ruins
  • Dilapidated or vacant buildings
  • Historic buildings, e.g. castles and churches
  • Grass verges
  • Villiage greens
  • Old buildings that no longer have a postcode

To apply for a standard Map Search this merely involves completing a short form and “dropping a pin” on a map. The map forms part of the application form, which means that the property is identified accurately and included on the application form that we receive from you.

This is what our Standard Map Search looks like:

Standard Map

Standard Map Search

An advanced map search is used:

  • Where the land to be searched is very small or narrow.
  • Where the land is very large.
  • Where the land is difficult to identify or separate from the surrounding land.

Advanced Map

Advanced Map Search

Who Uses Map Searches?

Map Searches are very useful tools to use for building plots, farmland, moorland, woodland and ruinous properties that no longer have a street address.

Land Purchasers working for Building developers find them useful for identifying the ownership of various brownfield or other land where there is a likelihood that planning consent will be given for building.

Infrastructure businesses such as pipe laying companies use them to identify large narrow tracts of land across a large area of rural land.

Riparian land owners use them to identify riverbanks and their owners in relation to fishing and fishing rights.

By far the largest group of users of our Map Searches are average people wishing to invest in the purchase of a plot of land as an investment, or to build their own home or to obtain the ownership details of a private road or alleyway.


Unadopted Road