In the Title Register there are often references to conveyancing Deeds and Deed Plans. When the Land Registry create the Title Register they do so, the first time it is registered, from the Deeds sent to them by the purchaser's solicitors. Not all of the detail in a Deed is important enough to copy into the Title Register, however, and the Land Registry are very selective in the content they include as they wish to keep it relevant and to only record that information it considers to affect the basis on which ownership is held. So, for example, details of covenants contained in a Deed will be iterated, but not a recital as to why the Deed was created.

The important detail in a Deed can be very lengthy. In such instances the salient parts of the Deed may be recorded but instead of copying out pages and pages of detail, the Land Registry will instead make a digital copy of the Deed and insert a note at the end of the paragraph describing the Deed that a copy has been made.

Whenever such a note is made this means that a copy of that Deed can be obtained using our Deeds search. This search includes a copy of all the copied Deeds, however many there are, so long as they are all retained on the same Title Number. Sometimes Deeds will be copied into other Title Numbers, for example, where the Deed affects more than one property). In such cases that Title Number is provided alongside the statement that it has been copied, and will need to be purchased separately.

Most copied Deeds are purchase Deeds (conveyances and transfers), wayleave agreements, licences and Deed Plans. Deed Plans are enormously useful when embroiled in boundary or rights of way disputes. They often contain T and H marks, which Title Plans do not, and so there is no need to use guesswork to see who is responsible for maintenance and upkeep of boundary fences or walls.


(Described in the Register as "copy filed")

These comprise copies of any deeds of conveyance, transfers, indentures, agreements, illustrative plans, epitomies, abstracts of title, licences and wayleave agreements that the Land Registry have filed with the Title Register. They are usually documents once used in the old pre-registration conveyancing process and do not constitute the main title documents. Their main value is their more detailed descriptions of covenants, easements and agreements contained within them.

The deeds for a property vary considerably in their nature, their length and their content; and each property's deeds are different from each other property.